Without your help Hi Tor would not be able to support our programs. Adoptions, surrender services, low-cost spay/neuter for cats, and medical treatment are just some of the programs your donation helps support. Help us continue these programs. You can make a contribution by check, money order or credit card. Your donation is tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
Donate Online
Submit your donation directly online via PayPal. PayPal protects your financial information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is not shared with Hi Tor Animal Care Center.

Print & Mail
Prefer to send your donation via snail mail? Download our donation form, print, and follow the mailing instructions on the form itself. We thank you for your generosity!
Wish List
Donate Items from our Wish List
After you have signed up for Amazon Smile shop for food and supplies for the shelter from the comfort of your home via our online wish list!
Memorial or Honorary Donations
Another way to support our needy animals is to make a donation to Hi Tor Animal Care Center in memory of a deceased loved one or pet, or to commemorate a special occasion for a friend or loved one, such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation, holiday or retirement. When a memorial or honorary donation is received, we send a thank you to the donor.
Donations of Securities
It may be more beneficial to you to make a donation of securities rather than cash. If you own appreciated stock and donate the stock to Hi Tor Animal Care Center Inc., you will receive a charitable gift tax deduction for the total value of the stock at the time of the gift, thus avoiding income taxes on the appreciation of the stock. For more information about stock donations, please contact our treasurer.
Donate Through a New Program from TD Bank